2024 CARPD Conference: 14 Days Away!

Hello CARPD Conference Sponsors! We are so looking forward to seeing everyone at our annual Conference at the Hyatt Regency Sonoma Wine Country in Santa Rosa in just 14 days!
As a reminder, all of our attendees receive a SWAG bag at registration with goodies from many of our sponsors. This year's theme is safety and disaster preparedness and you are invited to add to our “Emergency Kit” with items that would be handy to have in an emergency (e.g. flashlight, first aid kit, etc.). We have extended our deadline to send SWAG for our bags to May 15th. You can send the promo items to CARPD at 1075 Creekside Ridge Drive, Suite 240, Roseville, CA 95678.
Also, at the Conference we run a Raffle that is always very popular. We are still looking for raffle items for this year and if you are able to bring a gift basket with items (total value between $40-100), we would sincerely appreciate your donation. Proceeds go toward Conference scholarships for our members. You can either bring your donation to the event or mail them to our office by May 15th. Thanks in advance for your contribution.
As a reminder, sponsors may set up in the Exhibit Hall starting on Wednesday at 2:30pm. Breakdown is typically Friday after lunch. Make sure to check out the Conference Schedule of Events!
Thank you again for your support. If you have any questions, please feel free to check out our website at caparkdistricts.org or contact Matthew Duarte directly at (916) 722-5550 or at mduarte@capri-jpa.org. Thank you and see you in Sonoma Wine Country!