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Later today, the California State Senate is considering two important constitutional amendments which have the potential to significantly impact your agency. CARPD has adopted a support position for both measures and we are asking our members to support the advocacy efforts by contacting your State Senator TODAY to express your strong support for ACA 1 and ACA 13!   



Would be placed on the ballot to allow a city, county, or special district to fund infrastructure projects– including parks and recreation facilities and open space, by incurring bonded indebtedness or imposing special taxes if 55% of the public support the measure.


Would be placed on the ballot to require an initiative constitutional amendment to comply with any increased voter approval threshold that it seeks to impose on future ballot measures. For example, if the initiative would require local government to obtain a two-thirds vote threshold to pass a tax or fee, the initiative would also have to receive two-thirds of the vote. This measure also enshrines in the state constitution the ability of local governments to submit advisory questions to voters.

WHEN:                TODAY.

WHY:                    These measures are aimed at ensuring that community voices are heard, and community needs can continue to be met. If passed, they ensure local governments are able to fund needed, desired, and critical projects and services that enhance and protect quality of life and safety for communities.

TALKING POINTS:              

  • ACA 13 is a commonsense fair voting measure that would stop abuse of the initiative process so that the will of the majority of voters are not mitigated by a minority of voters.
  • ACA 1 will allow local governments to fund critical local priorities with the overwhelming support of residents by passing a bond or special tax with 55 percent of the vote.
  • ACA 1 and ACA 13 simply create parity and balance the scales, which means that ultimately it is the voter who is empowered.
  • ACA 1 and ACA 13 are not retroactive and do not impact Prop 13 and apply to ALL local government agencies.
  • [Name of Organization] in your Senate District is in strong support of these measures, which would have real and beneficial local impacts in your community.

DON’T FORGT TO ASK: For the Senator’s support and ask how they plan to vote!

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